Rosette Nebula taking with QHY533C (the first image that turned ok ok with this new camera)., 01/24/25
Galaxy NGC 2093 with annotations generated by Pix Insight.
Galaxy M81. About 4 hours LRGB with QHY1600A. Reprocessed with flats.
Open Cluster NGC 1807 in Taurus. Taken with QHY533C and Takahashi 85mm.
The Moon. Taken with QHY533C and Takahashi 85mm, about 50 frames stacked.
Galaxy M81. About 4 hours LRGB with QHY1600A. The processing could be better but need to take flats first.
Narrow band photo (HOS=RGB) of the Crab Nebula
A wide field section of the Virgo Cluster
The Tadpole Nebula - a region of star formation in Auriga.
PDF of slides for a recent presentation about my amateur astronomy experiences.
About 20 degrees above western horizon after sunsiet
April 8 2024 Solar Eclipse
A very faint galaxy in Leo, 1.2 billion ly away. Also known as PGC 27924 and CGCG 122-67.
A beautiful face on spiral, 55 million light years away in the Virgo cluster.
M42 Nebula
A favorite edge on spiral NGC 4565.
Photo of cocoon taken 7/1/2010
Probably taken with an SBIG STXME CCD.
The Ring Nebula
Actual photo date, Feb, 2011. Probably with an SBIG ST10XME.
Pleiades cluster with Takahashi 85mm.
Video of solar eclipse in Idaho Falls, August, 2017.
Video of NEO YU 55
March, 2021, QSI 690 - Reprocessed Feb 2023 in Pix Insight
Taken in 2015 with Orion EOS 80, QSI 683
Paramount MX+, ATRC-14, TAK 85, QHY16200A CFW7, QSI 683